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Do your students need to practice telling time? These no-prep, Easter-Themed BOOM CARDS will make a great Math Center or Math Skills Review. Throughout this deck of 31 cards, your young learners will read the time in words and on the analog clock. They will then decide if the times match by selecting True or False! These self-correcting cards are great for Math centers, independent practice, skill review, or homework!


MATH SKILL ➡️ Reading an analog clock to the hour, half-hour, and quarters.


➡️ What are Boom Cards? - Boom cards are digital task cards that you play on the Boom Learning website.


➡️ How it works:

  • When you download this resource, you will receive a link to the task cards on the Boom Learning website.

  • You will be asked to sign into your account or create a FREE account.

  • All purchased decks can be found in your Library. Boom Cards are accessed and used on the Boom Learning website. There is no need to download, save, or print.

  • DIFFERENTIATE your instruction by assigning the boom cards to individual students or your whole class

  • ⭐️ True or False Drag and Drop-Students read the time in words and on the clock face to decide if they match.⭐️


➡️ Why use Boom Cards?

  • They are easy and fun to use!

  • No printing, cutting, laminating

  • Interactive

  • Self-grading

  • Use with internet-connected devices: computers, tablets, Smartboards

  • Data tracking with paid subscription


Love 2 Learn English specializes in ESL/EFL and Theater resources, games, and scripts- including readers' theater.


Each license bought is nontransferable and is one per teacher. For classroom use only. All copyright belongs to Love 2 Learn English.

Easter Math Center - Telling Time No-Prep Boom Cards, Math Skills Review