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Do your students need help telling time? These no-prep, Easter-Themed BOOM CARDS will make a great Math Center. Throughout this deck of 25 cards, students will look at the clock face and type the time in the space provided.


MATH SKILL ➡️ Reading an analog clock and writing the time: O'clock, half past, quarter past, and quarter to.

  • It can be written the following ways to be correct: It's 9 o'clock, It's nine o'clock, 9 o'clock, nine o'clock


➡️ What are Boom Cards? - Boom cards are digital task cards that you play on the Boom Learning website.


➡️ How it works:

  • When you download this resource, you will receive a link to the task cards on the Boom Learning website.

  • You will be asked to sign into your account or create a FREE account.

  • All purchased decks can be found in your Library. Boom Cards are accessed and used on the Boom Learning website. There is no need to download, save, or print.

  • DIFFERENTIATE your instruction by assigning the boom cards to individual students or your whole class

  • ⭐️ Students read the time on an analog clock and then type the time in the space provided⭐️


Love 2 Learn English specializes in ESL/EFL and Theater resources, games, and scripts- including readers' theater.


Each license bought is nontransferable and is one per teacher. For classroom use only. All copyright belongs to Love 2 Learn English.

Easter Math Center - Write The Time No-Prep Boom Cards, Telling Time Practice

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