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Hi! I'm Amy
I'm a theatre and ESL teacher living in Mallorca Spain but I'm originally from England.
How did I get here? Let me tell you my story.
I grew up with a huge love of musical theatre and studied it at theatre school in the UK. However after 2 years of working in the 'business', modelling, touring and auditioning I became rather frustrated with the short runs and unpredictable jobs. So, I decided to start working abroad in tribute shows (Yes, I was a beloved Abba tribute AND I actually looked good blonde!). I would do six months working in England and six months abroad. I worked in Cyprus, and many of the Greek islands, before I came to Mallorca. I immediately fell in love with the island and that year I never returned home and I've been here ever since 2012.
Now Mallorca is an amazing island, full of adventure, mountains and beautiful beaches but for an English person jobs are limited to the summer season unless you can speak Spanish, which at this point I didn't. So winter came around and by the start of December I was bored of not working. So bored that I typed into Google 'What jobs can an English person do in Spain?'. I was scrolling through the answers when I saw English teacher listed. Now I had taught drama before back in England and loved it. So I thought this might be a good fit. I looked into qualifications and did a TEFL course. Completed it in a week and the week after that I got a job!
I started small, literally with the younger aged children 3-6's and in the last 8 years I have taught everything. From babies to adults, and basic to advanced English. I also decided to start teaching theatre in English too which has been a huge hit.
At the start of the Covid -19 pandemic I was sent home from work where I was the head teacher and the week after that I was fired (lucky me right?!). So I started writing scripts, worksheets and English grammar games and sold them on Teachers Pay Teachers to tide me over until I got a new job, but I loved writing and creating so much that I continued after the quarentine in Spain finished and I'm still doing it today.
Did I go back to school? I hear you ask. Well, yes and no. I did start teaching again, but I opened my own academy in Palma. I'm now currently teaching second language English for babies through to adults including the Cambridge English exams and theatre for natives and ESL learners and I love it. I can be creative, playful, fun and motivational with my students and still have time to invent, write and produce scripts and resources for my fellow teachers.
and that's my story.
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