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The aim of this game is for ESL students to improve writing, fast thinking and grammar skills. In the game they must decide which spelling rule to use for regular and irregular verbs, both in past simple and past participle.


How to play-Start on the bottom row and build upwards just like the original Connect 4 game. Pick a square. Look at the verb inside the box, and write it down on a plain paper in the past simple or participle. If correct you win the square. If not, you don't and its the other players turn. First player with 4 in a line wins.


What it includes-

3 different board games - 1 Regular verb game, 1 Irregular verb game and 1 Mixed verb game.


Teachers notes- explaining set up and rules.


Easy to set up and reusable saving you time and money!


Great fun for all ages and mixed levels of language and a great warm up or cool down activity.



Love2LearnEnglish specializes in ESL/EFL and Theater resources, games and scripts.

Each lisence bought is non transferable and is one per teacher. For classroom use only. All copyright belongs to Love 2 Learn English.

Connect 4 Past Tense Verb Game


    File Type: PDF  Total pages: 4

    Perfect for grades 5-10

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