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Do you want an easy a fun way for your ESLs to practice verb spellings in the past tense? Then check these out. These print and play worksheets are quick 1 or 2 minute games to practice verbs in the past tense. They can be used for all ages and levels learning or revising the past tense.


This game is designed to help students identify the correct spelling of verbs in the all past tenses.


This pack contains 20 different race worksheets, and Winner tracking sheet and a certificate for the winner (in color)


The first 5 worksheets focus on regular verb spellings with -ed.


The next 5 worksheets focus on irregular verb spellings in the past simple.


The next 5 worksheets focus on irregular verb spellings in the past participle.


And the final 5 worksheets focus on all the verb spellings mixed (these are the most difficult).


Love 2 Learn English specializes in ESL/EFL and Theater resources, games and scripts- including readers theater.

Each lisence bought is non transferable and is one per teacher. For classroom use only. All copyright belongs to Love 2 Learn English.

Past Tense Word Races

  • File Type: PDF    Total Pages : 23

    Perfect for grades 4-8