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Improving reading skills and fluency in pronunciation for your ESL students just became easier with this Halloween-Themed Reader’s Theatre Activity. Your students will enjoy learning an important lesson or moral as they act out the story of the Jealous Little Witch.


➡️ What you'll get:

  • A coloring page for the script.
  • A 6-page script with 6 main speaking roles
  • BONUS: Writing prompt worksheet for students to explain how they celebrate Halloween and what they learned from this story

⭐️ What is this Readers' Theatre About?⭐️

This Halloween reader's theater is about a Jealous Little Witch, who thinks she is the best Halloween character because she can perform cool spells and make potions. In this story, however, she learns that it's a natural talent that makes people love you and that you should always be yourself.


Love 2 Learn English specializes in ESL/EFL and Theater resources, games and scripts- including readers theater.

Each lisence bought is non transferable and is one per teacher. For classroom use only. All copyright belongs to Love 2 Learn English.

The Jealous Little Witch Halloween Reader's Theater

  • File format : PDF

    Additional licence at reduced price - Avaliable here